Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chinese Art During America's Roaring 1920s

What do you think about when you picture life in the 1920s of America? Many people tend to recall old pictures of extravagant parties with people in outdated, funny clothes. Some times people living today think about the infamous crash of 1929 which followed financial indulgence for much of the decade. It is true that most people living today simply cannot remember the 1920s at all. Very few of us were actually alive during this time period. One little known additional fact about the "Roaring 20s" was that it was the decade where Chinese artwork became a permanent part of the national American life.

The sale and display of Chinese art rose quickly during this time period. It held future implications for the importation of Eastern culture in to North America. The vast majority of people living then never foresaw the larger, cultural reality unfolding in their day. Sadly, Charles L. Freer passed away in 1919. However, the man whose name authenticated the Freer Gallery of Art lived on in spirit. Four years later this leading American institution in the collecting, study, and display of Chinese artwork was open to the public. At the time the gallery was directed by John F. Lodge (1878-1942). It was through this man C.T. Loo, the famous Chinese art dealer and businessman, returned to the shores of America. In fact, Loo became the gallery's top supplier between the years 1921 to 1951. Loo was followed only by two other firms. In the next three decades, the gallery spent $860,340 on 124 pieces which Loo supplied. These purchases would constitute the core of the gallery's ancient Chinese bronze, jade, and stone sculpture holdings.
During the decade of the 1920s the new Freer Gallery expanded in profound ways through its research, exhibition, acquisition, and archeological work. This activity was also an indisputable reflection of the rising interest in the field of "Chinese art." By 1929, the Freer Gallery and other museums had developed large Chinese art collections. Two important survey books on Chinese art were published. In China, art and archeology gained fresh momentum. The Chinese antiques business was growing very quickly. This was evidenced through the establishment of the first indoor antiques market in the famous city of Shanghai back in 1921. Then, in 1923 along came the Shanghai City Antiques Business Association.
C.T. Loo's business with the Freer Gallery of Art thrived in the decade of the 1920s. In 1921 the gallery officially made its first three purchases from Mr. Loo. The purchases included two 6th century Buddhist stone relief panels from a southern Xiangtangshan site. There was also a Song dynasty (960-1279 CE) stone sculpture. The price for these pieces came to $40,000. Other objects Loo introduced to the gallery in the booming years of the 1920s included a late Shang dynasty (1300-1200 BCE) bronze wine warmer and a Tang period (618-908 CE) stone lunette. It is incredible to note that the total value of the gallery's purchased pieces in the twenties was $84,000!
It almost goes without saying that in the Roaring 1920s C.T. Loo held a number of exhibitions in America which displayed fine pieces of classic Chinese art. Loo even published several important catalogues of his painting, bronze, and jade collections for the interested public to investigate. What these historical facts could mean for us today is no simple question. It is safe to conclude that Chinese art has been a part of the American experience for a very long time. The appreciation and study of fine art is a vital aspect of the ongoing human drama. With the current rise of interest in contemporary Easter decor throughout North America, the influence of Chinese art and culture cannot be overlooked. After all, China has had a prolific and deeply spiritual influence upon much of "Asia" over its five thousand years of history. The story of Chinese art continues its powerful play across the stage of the civilized world. This is especially true today in the 21st century!
Harlan Urwiler is an expert author on the subjects of Asian history, culture, folklore, art, and collectibles. His passion for the study and appreciation of East Asia is well known.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Differences Between Western and Chinese Culture: Dealing With Money

If you came this far, then chances are you have a Chinese wife or are at least considering to start a relationship with a Chinese woman. It is not new to anyone that Chinese culture greatly differs from western culture, but what are these differences exactly? In this article we will will focus on the way that these two distinct cultures handle the subject of finance.
One of the great things that differ Chinese from Westerners is the way both cultures deal with money. Westerners are natural spenders and prefer to live for the moment, while making little preparation for the future. This is especially true in large economies like the United States, where massive consumption has contributed to putting many families in debt. Chinese people are much more controlled when dealing with money and saving is part of their culture. The Chinese government takes little responsibility for the future of its people and it is up to each individual to secure their retirement through savings and investments. Due to the fact that Chinese people have gone through long periods of poverty in the past, they know how to value money and are accustomed to working hard in order to get it. A recent study has shown that the average US household debt is 136% of household income, compared to 17% for the Chinese.

This different approach to money and income plays a key role in relationships between Westerners and Chinese. This will be even more visible in the more usual case of a western man married to a Chinese woman. Although this has greatly changed over the last decades, it is still safe to say that in most western countries it is the man who is responsible for taking care of the bills and managing the money. In China; however, this is not really so. Although Chinese men are still the ones who are bringing in the doe, they are in many cases expected to hand in the money to their wives, who will in turn manage it and use it to keep all things in order around the house.
The struggle to decide who should have control over the family income is a problem that most Western men might face when married to a Chinese woman. Due to the fact that Chinese women were raised to believe that they should save as much as possible in order to secure their future, they might have trouble adapting to a Westerner's way of living from pay-check to pay-check. If on one hand the Chinese wife will follow her instincts and try to control as much of the money as possible, in the other hand the Western husband might misinterpret this behavior and believe that his wife is only after his money. Unfortunately, many Westerners that involve themselves with Chinese women, due so without a minimum understanding of her cultural background. Most guys are just eager to hook up with an exotic and younger Asian girl, without ever considering the consequences of doing so.
If you are experiencing this type of trouble with your Chinese wife, the best solution will be no other than conversation. Finding a middle ground between these two mentalities will always be your best bet. Inter-cultural relationships are far from being easy, but it can be greatly beneficial if the couple manages to unite the best of the two worlds. Honestly, being controlled with money is a virtue, which both parts can benefit from. Perhaps one solution to the problem would be to establish an allowance. You could hand over a percentage of the income to your Chinese woman, while keeping the rest to spend as you please.
Don't be surprised if a few months later you find out that your Chinese wife is actually doing better than you! As we have already discussed, Chinese are natural money savers and they know how to make every penny count. Westerners should be grateful for Chinese savings, as it is used to loan money to the United States, thus allowing us to continue down the road of debt, which our western nations have chosen.

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